The following projects are currently active in our laboratory:
1. Gulf War Illness Syndrome: Research grants from DOD/ CDMRP Gulf War Illness Research Program focuses on the possible role of organophsophates induced calcium dyshomeostasis in the development of neurological problems exhibited by the First Gulf War Veterans. We are investigating use of levetiracetam and ketamine as potent antidepressants in rat model of Gulf War Illnesses.
2. CounterACT Program: Organophosphate pesticides are potential chemical threat agent. We are targeting calcium signaling pathways to develop novel countermeasures for the prevention of acute mortality and chronic morbidity following organophosphate- induced status epilepticus.
3. Epileptogenesis: The research goals of this project are aimed at understanding role of calcium homeostatic mechanisms in the development of acquired epilepsy and epilepsy related neuropsychiatric morbidities.
By targeting alterations in calcium homeostatic mechanisms, our translational research is geared towards finding effective treatment for neurological morbidities following organophosphate exposures.
We employ a combination of behavioral, electrophysiological, imaging, histological, and biochemical techniques to address our research goals. Our laboratories are equipped with latest equipment and software to aid in these research endeavors.